Live in the West Region? You still have time to set up your payment info if you pay by EFT, credit card, or debit card. If you have TRICARE Prime, TRICARE Select, TRICARE Young Adult, TRICARE Reserve Select, or TRICARE Retired Reserve, you now have until Feb. 28. If you miss this deadline, you will be disenrolled back to Jan. 1. Visit today.

Health Clinics



Winder Clinic: Unit Specific Instructions for care and medical readiness


*Update as of 23 OCT 20* Below is a summary of the changes and information for Soldiers that require medical and dental care.

  • Operating hours remain 0630-1530, Monday through Friday. Sick call hours 0630-0700.
  • The front door will be the only entrance point for the clinic. Soldiers reporting for sick-call (0630-0700) will be screened outside the front of the clinic. Patients will be given a check in card for Pharmacy, Lab, and Radiology (8 cards per area) at the front door to decrease amount of people in Winder at a given time. 
  • All patients in the waiting room must maintain a distance of six feet apart and wear a face mask at all times.
  • Soldiers will be screened for flu-like symptoms when arriving to clinic. Any Soldier found to have positive symptoms will report to the screening tent for testing and be placed on quarters until medically cleared. Soldiers that report to the COVID-19 screening tents for testing will receive a follow-up phone call from one of the staff members of 62nd Medical Brigade SCMH.


Services at Winder Clinic will be affected as follows:

Appointments required:

Patients must call (253-477-0900) and schedule an appointment with PCM if no COVID-19 symptoms. No Walk-in appointments.


Part II conducted telephonically. SM need to complete Part I online and Call (253-477-0900) to schedule these appointments.



The Optometry Clinic is fully operational. Hours are Mon-Fri 0715-1100, 1300-1500. Acute sick call 0700-1030, 1300-1430. Will see SM for urgent issues and physical on a walk-in basis. Call (253-477-0896/3788) to schedule an appointment for all routine care.


Audiology is closed at Winder Clinic. Call (800-404-4506) appointment line to schedule at Madigan Annex.


The Radiology Clinic is fully operational. Open 0730-1600, closed 1200-1245 for lunch.


Fulton Dental Clinic hours Mon-Thurs 0700-1630 and Friday 0700-1530 for Class 3 treatment needs and Class 4 exams ONLY. No cleaning and no Class 2 at this time. Sick call hours 0700-0930 for urgent dental needs. Call (253-966-9960) for appointment.


The Pharmacy Clinic at Winder is fully operational. Soldiers can pick-up their prescriptions during normal duty hours. Hours of operations 0730-1200, 1300-1530.


Lab is fully operational and will see patients on a walk-in basis. Hours of operations from 0700-1530, closed 0800-0900 on Thursday.


Patients must call (253-477-0900) to schedule an appointment for immunizations. No Walk-in appointments.


We are still conducting physicals (Schools, ETS, Chapter, ABCP). We have briefings on Mondays and Wednesdays at 1330, where SCMH will provide the Soldier/Escort the packet and explain the process to completing their physical. The briefings will be held at the front of the clinic outside of the building.

Physical Therapy:

The Physical Therapy Clinic is fully operational. Physical Therapy sick call for acute injuries only from 0630-0900. Hours of operations 0630-1200, 1300-1530 Mon, Tues, Wed, Fri, 0930-1530 Thursday.

Important Advisory Regarding Flu-like Symptoms:

Soldiers that are experiencing flu-like symptoms (to include, but not limited to, fever, cough, shortness of breath, body aches, or other respiratory symptoms) should report during sick call (0630-0700). After clinic hours and on weekends, Soldiers are encouraged to call the Nurse Advice Line at 1-800-TRICARE (874-2273), Option 1.

Don’t forget to keep your family’s information up to date in DEERS