Troop Battalion
About Us
Our Mission: To support and enable the Madigan Army Medical Center mission by providing command and control, administrative support, and training for assigned military personnel.
The Troop Battalion is one of two battalions under the Madigan Army Medical Center. The command component is comprised of the battalion commander, battalion command sergeant major, battalion executive officer and three company command teams who are responsible for approximately 1,600 Soldiers (Staff and Students). The Troop Battalion is dedicated to mission accomplishment, warrior preparedness, development in the Army profession and the quality of life of our Soldiers and their Families.
The three company command teams comprise of the Headquarters and Headquarters Company, Alpha Company, and Bravo Company. HHC is comprised of the Madigan command group as well as the Military Human Resources Division, Operations, Resource Management, Information Management Division, Equal Opportunity, Protocol, Ministry, Judge Advocate Group and the Inspector General. The remainder of HHC is students for Phase II of their MOS and AOC training and the Graduate Medical Education Program.
Alpha Company is comprised of Department of Nursing, Department of Emergency Medicine, Pediatrics, Department of Anesthesia and Operative Services, Department of Family Medicine, and Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology.
Bravo Company is comprised of staff working in Pathology, Department of Medicine, Physical Medicine, Pharmacy, Armed Services Blood Bank Center, Logistics, Preventive Medicine, Department of Surgery, Radiology, Behavioral Health, Department of Clinical Investigations, Nutrition Care and Patient Administration.
From the JBLM Madigan gate (exit 122), stay on Jackson Avenue until the third light. Turn left at the light onto Madigan Avenue. Continue on Madigan Avenue as it turns into Wilson Avenue. After approximately 500 yards, turn left onto Lincoln Street. Troop Battalion will be half way down the street on your left, Building 9900.