Live in the West Region? There is now a referral approval waiver in place through March 31, 2025. Learn More
Also, you have until March 31 to set up your payment info if you pay by EFT, credit card, or debit card. This is for TRICARE Prime, TRICARE Select, TYA, TRS, and TRR plans. If you miss this deadline, you will be disenrolled back to Jan. 1. Visit today.

Patient Resources


Healthcare Resolutions Program


The Healthcare Resolutions Program can help resolve clinically complex issues in a private and neutral setting when Patient and Guest Relations or Patient Advocacy staff are unable to resolve the issue. 

Patient Issues 

Healthcare Resolutions can help resolve issues with health care, such as: 
  • Dissatisfaction with treatment results or quality of care 
  • Unexpected care outcomes 
  • Medical errors 
  • Misdiagnosis or delays in diagnosis or treatment 
  • Unexpected death 
  • Problems communicating with the health care team 


The goals of Healthcare Resolutions are to: 
  • Resolve complex health care disputes, issues, and concerns at the lowest level, directly and at the earliest opportunity 
  • Foster a fair resolution process for all parties: patients, health care providers, and the military treatment facility 
  • Share any unexpected outcomes of care openly and honestly, including system weaknesses, with patients and families 
  • Combine patient, family, and provider input into process improvement initiatives and enhance patient-provider partnership in care delivery, consistent with our role as a high-reliability organization 
  • Help people help themselves by aiding patients and health care professionals to focus on issues that may affect the delivery of quality patient care 

Guiding Principles  

  • Confidentiality. Your identity is never shared without your permission. 
  • Neutrality and Impartiality. We don’t take sides in a dispute. Healthcare Resolutions aims to achieve the best possible outcome for all. 
  • Independence. We operate across all levels of the MTF and will address any party about issues needing their attention. 
  • Informality. We use candid and direct problem-solving processes to resolve disputes. Using the Healthcare Resolutions Program does not limit your right to pursue formal processes. 

How does the Healthcare Resolutions Program help resolve issues? 

  • Conducts informal fact-finding, eases open communication between parties, and offers fair and equitable solutions 
  • Communicates with patients and providers about quality of care issues; may enable mediation sessions between patients and providers 
  • Analyzes the situation, explores issues and concerns, and suggests solutions, while ensuring that parties understand options and the processes involved 
  • In some cases, the MTF leadership is informed about developing issues, while staying confidential and neutral 

Who can use the Healthcare Resolutions Program? 

If you have a quality of care concern, we urge you to first discuss the issue with the staff member or clinical area at your military treatment facility. Many times, concerns can be addressed immediately.   
The Healthcare Resolutions Program is available to all patients, beneficiaries, next of kin, and health care personnel assigned to the facility. We accept referrals from any beneficiary or staff member having clinically complex patient care issues.  
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