Department of Soldier Readiness Services
About Us
The Physical Examination Clinic, Medical Readiness Clinic, Fort Hunter Liggett Medical Aid Station and MEDPROS Coordinator collectively make up the Department of Soldier Readiness Services.
- Our department goal is to meet or exceed JBLM Readiness standards of 95%.
- We aim to provide support and guidance to all Commanders on JBLM and outlying units to ensure Soldiers assigned are medically ready to deploy when called upon.
- The Department of Soldier Readiness lends medical expertise and support to sustain our National Guard and Reserve Soldiers to backfill or deploy.
- Ensure all physicals and deployment assessments are completed on time.
- To provide a medically ready force and a ready medical force to combatant commands in both peacetime and wartime.
The department is located at the Madigan Army Medical Center Annex and can be reached by taking I-5 exit 122 Berkeley exit which turns into Jackson Street once you clear the gate. Take Jackson street down to the 3rd light and make a right on Madigan Ave, then another right at the first stop light which is Wilson road. Follow Wilson road until you get to west Hayes Street. Make a right on West Hayes Street and come down to the dead end.
SRP/Medical Readiness Clinic
About Us
The Medical Readiness Service (MRS) of the Soldier Readiness Processing (SRP) Center services all Active Duty Soldiers, including Active Duty Reserve and Active Duty Guard Reserve (AGR). Access to our service is limited to Unit arrangements for appointments through the SRP. Walk-ins are not permitted. We provide a range of services to support Soldier readiness for Medical In-Processing (coordinated by JBLM Reception upon PCS arrival) and Deployments. These services include:
- Pre Deployment Health Assessments (PreDHAs)
- Post Deployment Health Assessments (PostDHAs)
- Immunizations
- Vision & Hearing screening
- Lab draw samples from Service members to meet readiness and deployment requirements
- Periodic Health Assessments (PHAs) – limited availability dependent on daily schedule for Medical In-Processing; annual PHAs are coordinated through the Soldier’s unit
From I-5 South or North, take Exit 120 and travel south on 41st Division Drive to the Joint Base Lewis-McChord main gate. Continue south on 41st Division Drive until you reach Pendleton Avenue. Turn right on Pendleton Avenue and continue until you reach 10th Street. Turn left on 10th Street, and you will see the Medical Readiness Clinic of the Soldier Readiness Processing Center immediately on your left (located on the rear side of Waller Hall). Continue down on 10th Street and turn left into the Waller Hall parking lot. Follow the sidewalk between the buildings to reach the Medical Readiness Clinic. For mapping directions to Waller Hall / Soldier Readiness Processing, the address is: 2140 Liggett Ave., Joint Base Lewis-McChord, WA 98433.
Physical Examination Clinic
About Us
All active-duty soldiers, including active duty, National Guard, Reserve, & Active Guard/Reserve from all services residing in the following states are eligible to be seen at the Physical Examination clinic: Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Montana, Nevada and California, including TRICARE Prime Remote.
The Physical Examination Clinic is located at the Madigan Army Medical Center Annex and can be reached by taking I-5 exit 122 Berkeley exit which turns into Jackson Street once you clear the gate. Take Jackson Street down to the 3rd light and make a right on Madigan Avenue, then another right at the first stop light which is Wilson road. Follow Wilson road until you get to west Hayes Street. Make a right on West Hayes Street and come down to the dead-end.
Hearing Program
About Us
The JBLM Hearing Program Clinic provides hearing screenings for only active duty service members to update their Medical Protection System for annual hearing tests, plus pre-deployment and post-deployment hearing examinations.
- Annual/Follow-up Hearing Exams: To book, please call TRICARE at 800-404-4506 and request a “WELL” exam.
- Referrals for Diagnostic Evaluation with Audiologist: To book, please call TRICARE at 800-404-4506 and request a “SPEC” exam.
- Soldiers assigned to the 201st Expeditionary Military Intelligence Brigade, 16th Combat Aviation Brigade, and 51st Signal Battalion are seen at the Winder Clinic.
- All physical (retirement, chapter, flight, Ranger, or school) packets are seen at the Winder Clinic.
The JBLM Hearing Program is in place to protect and maximize the ability to hear and communicate, prevent hearing injuries, and provide clinical hearing care services for military and Department of the Army civilian personnel working or operating in noise hazardous settings. The JBLM Hearing Program focuses on four areas of service: Hearing Readiness, Operational Hearing Services, Clinical Hearing Services, and Hearing Conservation. Personnel will be enrolled in a comprehensive hearing program when required to work or operate in hazardous noise environments or with suspected ototoxins (ear poisons). Department of the Army Pamphlet 40-501, Paragraph 3-3, provides definitions of hazardous noise. Appendix C provides examples of typical noise hazardous activities that meet the criteria for enrollment in a comprehensive Hearing Program.
The Joint Base Lewis-McChord Hearing Program is located in Madigan Annex and can be reached by taking I-5 Exit 122 and turning left onto Madigan Avenue and right onto Wilson Avenue, a left on Lincoln Avenue, left on McKinley Avenue, and a left onto East Johnson Street. Park in the parking lot on the left, and enter through Ramp 2 and continue to Building 9911C.