Military & Family Life Counseling
Embedded in your unit! or call:
Male counselor: (253) 293-2223
Female counselor: (253) 293-6214
The Military and Family Life Counseling (MFLC) Program provides confidential non-medical counseling to the Military community. These short-term, solution focused sessions can assist with issues such as managing stress, parenting, difficulty adjusting to new changes or life events, and improving home or work relationships.

Armed Forces Wellness Center
253-966-3757, Building 2022, Liggett Avenue
The Armed Forces Wellness Center helps service members, retirees, their families, and civilian employees build and sustain good health. It empowers them to set their own health goals and achieve them, and addresses lifestyle change in areas that affect both short- and long- term health.

DPFR Family Advocacy Program
Call to schedule a class today at:
The DPFR Family Advocacy Program is committed to strengthening the lives of Service Members and Families. Our team is dedicated to preventing both domestic abuse and child abuse through information, discussion, and education.
Classes include: #Adulting, Detecting Icebergs, Expectation Management and more.
Employee Assistance Program (EAP)
For assistance or to schedule training or an appointment with EAP, please call: (253) 732-2214
The JBLM Employee Assistance Program (EAP) is a free, confidential, referral and counseling/consultation service that is available to DA Civilians, Family Members & Retirees.
The goal of the EAP is to help individuals over the age of 18 deal with personal problems which may be affecting performance, productivity or relationships in the workplace and beyond.

Ready and Resilient Performance Center
BLDG 6184 N. 22nd St, (253)-967-7307
R2 Performance Centers provide customized performance training that enables Soldiers to sustain personal readiness, enhance resilience, optimize human performance, and build unit cohesion. Training is available at R2 Performance Centers Army-wide, to active duty, Reserve and National Guard Soldiers, as well as Family members and DA Civilians.
Families Overcoming Under Stress
Bldg. 2013B, North 3rd St., Rm 331
Phone: 253.966.6390
FOCUS Program has provided state of the art family resilience services to military families, children and couples. FOCUS is a multi-session resilience training program for active duty military families and couples. Sessions are organized around the development of a family timeline which is used to help families manage feelings, improve communication, and learn problem solving and goal setting skills.
Chaplain Family Life Center
(253) 967-1723
Four Chaplain’s Memorial Chapel, BLDG 9120
The Chaplain Family Life Center (CFLC) is a professional counseling center that can provide absolute confidentiality under AR 165-1 and MRE503. Open to all Active Duty military, retirees, family members and DOD civilians.

Military One Source
Military OneSource is your free 24/7 gateway to information, answers and support. As a Department of Defense-funded program, we put expert confidential help to work for service members, immediate family and survivors who need a little extra guidance for all things MilLife. Just ask.

Department of Behavioral Health
Madigan's Department of Behavioral Health offers comprehensive behavioral health services to all TRICARE eligible beneficiaries.
These can be engaged through your primary care manager or, for Service Members, through your unit’s Embedded Behavioral Health clinic.